The customer was currently running ECC 7.0 on a windows 2003 server and wanted to migrate the server to a new IP address and a new VMware platform.
Since the new platform (i.e. DVS) was on a new IP address the option of pre-installing the DVS prior to the migration was possible.
The first step in the migration was to remote in and setup the roles and features, turn off UAC, turn off and stop the firewall service
Then create either a share on the new server or use ftp or some other form of file transfer to copy the important files to the new server
The ECC files that could be copied in advance:
Pre-requisites / Pre Migration tasks
- Ensure remote access to the new server and the existing server is working or has been provided
- Validate that the hard drive(s) have enough space
- Validate they are running the supported software OS
- Install all the features and roles on Win2K8 servers
- Turn off UAC on the server
Download and unzip the Remote Server Software (exact copy / build as they are currently running)
- Extracting the files is a test to validate that the file is not corrupt and will be ready to go when required
- Extracting the files is a test to validate that the file is not corrupt and will be ready to go when required
Download and unzip the ECC software (exact copy/build as they are currently running)
- Extracting the files is a test to validate that the file is not corrupt and will be ready to go when required
- Extracting the files is a test to validate that the file is not corrupt and will be ready to go when required
- Copy over critical components of Contact Center (See below)
The above tasks should be done ahead of the actual migration and during normal business hours when possible.
Critical Components to be copied to new platform
The folders and files listed here are critical components of your Contact Center system. By default, all of these components can be found on the server in C:Program FilesShoreTelContact Center Server. Your installation path may vary.
Create a temp folder called ECC Backup and move these files/folders to the new platform (excluding the Contact Center Database)
- Agent Configurations (C:Program FilesShoreTelContact Center ServerAgents) – This folder contains all configurations for Agent Toolbar, and is crucial if you have any screen pop configurations.
- Active Database (C:Program FilesShoreTelContact Center ServerDBProviderdataecc) – This folder contains the active Contact Center database.
The files in this folder should not be touched or backed up while the Contact Center MySQL service is running. Doing so can corrupt the database or cause a service outage.
- IVR VoiceWave Files (C:Program FilesShoreTelContact Center ServerIVR) – All of the sound files for the Contact Center IVR applications and announcement plans reside in this folder. This includes both custom files and the default language files included with Contact Center.
Please note: If possible you would like to migrate to a server that has the exact same file structure and drive structure as the system you are migrating away from. The message files in the ECC can either be direct or indirect therefore if you drives/folders are not the same you will have to go through all your GCCS scripts and point the wav file to the new folder/drive directory
- Email Index (C:Program FilesShoreTelContact Center ServerbinEMAILS.DAT) – If your Contact Center system is configured for email routing, this file contains the index of all of email currently downloaded by Contact Center.
- Email Storage (C:Program FilesShoreTelContact Center ServerStorageErstorage) – If your Contact Center system is configured for email routing, this folder contains the individual downloaded email files.
- Database Backup (C:Program FilesShoreTelContact Center Serverbackup) – Contact Center automatically backs up its database to this folder by default. The backup folder contains the entire contents of the data directory in the following format:
xYYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm, where
- x – This value will indicate the type of backup that was made
- d – Daily
- m – Monthly
- w – Weekly
- c – Configuration only backup
- n – Now; On-demand backup from Contact Center Director
- YYYY – The full 4 digit year
- MM – Two digit month
- DD – Two digit year
- hh – Hour of backup completion
- mm – Minute of backup completion
- x – This value will indicate the type of backup that was made
In addition, your particular configuration may include components that are critical to the system, but are not part of Contact Center. These can include ODBC settings or local Microsoft Access files required by Contact Center for database integrations. Make sure you back up these components as well, according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Importantà if the customer is using CCIR, C2G or any other 3rd party DB connections, you need to make sure that you have all the information before you migrate. Once the ECC is uninstalled on the old server all the ShoreTel DB drivers and their configs are removed at the ODBC System DSN level. Also you may require passwords for this connections so ensure you have that info available prior to the migration.
The DB backups can be moved prior to the migration. You cannot move the active .sql file that the ECC is currently using due to the likelihood of corrupting the data.
Start oF MIgration
The process to the migration is as follows:
- Run a backup of all the data on the Contact Center Server, this can take up to 1 hr so make sure you run it at least 1-1.5 hrs prior to the migration.
- Once the backup has completed, move the newly created backup to the new platform in the ECC Backup
- Ensure that all the Agents have logged out of the ECC prior to the uninstall and that the calls are now failing over to workgroups.
Uninstall the ECC software from the old ECC server
- Make sure you have all the ODBC configuration before you remove the ECC software since all the ShoreTel drivers will be removed with their config
- Make sure you have the location and login info for any 3rd party databases (ODBC config, usernames and passwords)
- Make sure you have all the ODBC configuration before you remove the ECC software since all the ShoreTel drivers will be removed with their config
- Once the you have removed the ECC software from of the old platform reboot the server
- Run a clean/fresh install of the ECC software on the new platform
- Once the ECC install has finished, login to check the system is working (ea/e1996)
- Then stop the ECC service on the new platform (ShoreTel Contact Center Service)
The move the Critical Components folders from the ECC Backup folder you created earlier and overwrite the new folders that were just created by the fresh install
- C:Program FilesShoreTelContact Center ServerAgents
- C:Program FilesShoreTelContact Center ServerIVR
- C:Program FilesShoreTelContact Center Serverbackup
- Take the recent backup you just performed and copy the ecc_db_master.sql file to the following: C:Program FilesShoreTelContact Center ServerDBProvider
- Then open a command window and navigate to C:program filesShoreTelContact Center ServerDBProvider and run the load_master_db.bat file. This batch file will load the file into the ECC db. This may take up to 1 hr or more.
- Once the batch file has completed then you can restart the ShoreTel Contact Center service and the ECC should be back online.
- C:Program FilesShoreTelContact Center ServerAgents
- All agent tool bars will now have to be repointed to the new IP address to login again.
Validating/Testing ECC
Log into the Contact Center Director and verify that all the programming appears in the web page.
Initiate the ECC Diagnostics Console on the ECC and open up the diagnostics windows to see active calls, agents and even database connections.
Call into the queues to make sure all the greetings from the GCCS scripts are playing as expected. You may need to go through all the GCCS scripts and verify every item that can play a file has their wav file pointing to the correct directory.
If the directory or drive names have changed, please ensure that the scheduled reports and pointing to the accurate folder for historical reports. Let the end user know that any user who has configured scheduled reports may have to do the same.
The pre-migration tasks approximately 2 hrs
Migration and testing approximately 2 hrs