ShoreTel & Microsoft Dynamics Integration

ShoreTel Integration Series

The ShoreTel CRM Client provides automatic lookup of the telephone numbers of calls made and received by the customer in their Microsoft Dynamics CRM data store and based on the results, can provide screen pop notification to allow CRM users to navigate to associated records at the click of a mouse.


This Integration provides an easy configuration of the search settings to allow lookup of both standard and custom CRM entities and attributes. A rich set of user settings combine to allow each user control over exactly how his client responds to calls and lookup results.

The ShoreTel CRM client

The ShoreTel CRM client is software that is installed on the CRM user’s workstation. It bridges the Microsoft Dynamics CRM (CRM only) and the ShoreTel PBX to deliver pop ups when a call is received. The users can click on the pop up and execute various functions.

When a call is received the user gets a toaster pop up. Depending on what is in the CRN database the user will see:

No matching entries

They are offered the option to create a new contact, a new phone call or both.

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A single matching entry

From here the user can click to open the contact, create a new phone call entry or both.

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Multiple matchung entries

When the call has multiple matches we are prompted for the main window.

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Opening the main window reveals the integration interface

We can see the active call(s) at the top and matches below. From here I can double click the match and open the contact.

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Screen pops to the CRM can also be set that look like this

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Each user can configure their individual workstation settings to get a customization level that is right for them.

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The ShoreTel integration with Microsoft CRM automates tracking of calls to customers and can integrate with the ShoreTel call recording solution ensuring that every touch to your customers is tracked.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate o reach out to us.


Find more ShoreTel and Mitel technical tips HERE