How to Test SMTP Traffic Between ShoreTel Servers and V-Switches

If you are trying to test whether or not SMTP is working between sites (i.e. AA greetings and Voice mails transfers) you can use the sndping command in the voicemail (cfg) test tool.

The following is how to initiate the ping on a V switch

login as: root

root@’s password:

Last login: Thu Aug 2 13:07:23 2012 from

[root@Toronto90V-1 ~]# cfg    àFrom the root type cfg to access the voice mail config

Open system *Local*

/*Local*//-> lserv            àtype lserv at the prompt to list all the servers on the systems

List server information

Is distributed system

Current server TORONTO90V1 ID 11

Site ID of server location 2

Email address User@

Main server HEADQUARTERS, flag 0

List server table

CC7 ID 4

Email address User@

Flags 0x0, Frame used 1

Location site ID 1, User group 5

SMTP ping message not sent

VM extns AA 679 Fwd 677 logon 678 ACC


Email address User@

Flags 0x0, Frame used 1

Location site ID 1, User group 5

SMTP ping message response received

VM extns AA 664 Fwd 665 logon 666 ACC 669


Email address User@

Flags 0x0, Frame used 1

Location site ID 1, User group 5

SMTP ping message not sent

VM extns AA 676 Fwd 674 logon 675 ACC

SG50V ID 9

Email address User@

Flags 0x0, Frame used 1

Location site ID 1, User group 5

SMTP ping message not sent

VM extns AA 688 Fwd 686 logon 687 ACC


Email address User@

Flags 0x0, Frame used 1

Location site ID 1, User group 0

SMTP ping message not sent

VM extns AA Fwd logon ACC


Email address User@

Flags 0x0, Frame used 1

Location site ID 2, User group 5

SMTP ping message not sent

VM extns AA 660 Fwd 661 logon 662 ACC 667


Email address User@

Flags 0x0, Frame used 1

Location site ID 2, User group 5

SMTP ping message not sent

VM extns AA 396 Fwd 394 logon 395 ACC

/*Local*//-> sndping HEADQUARTERS    àtype sndping with the exact case and spelling of the server you are

trying to reach. Then wait. If it works you will see SUCCESS

Send SMTP ping message to server HEADQUARTERS

Waiting ………………………….



You can also initiate this from the HQ or DVS server….

For 32 bit servers

C:Program FilesShoreline CommunicationsShoreWare Remote Server>cfg

For 64 bit servers

C:Program Files (x86)Shoreline Communications ShoreWare Remote Server>cfg

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