Changing the IP Address on the HQ Server

Backup all HQ and DVS Servers first

  1. On the HQ Server
    1. Change the address of the ShoreWare Server from inside Director
      1. The IP Address of the SoftSwitch
        1. Administration > Application Server > Select server listed > Host IP Address
    2. Shutdown all ShoreTel services
  1. Change the IP Address on the server
  1. Reboot the server
  1. On any DVM Server (this includes ECC)
    1. Uninstall Shoreware Remote
    2. Install Shoreware Remote
      1. Use correct (new) IP Address of the HQ Server
  1. Change the IP Address on the Shoregear Switches to look at the new server’s IP Address
    1. Use either Telnet or the console port
  1. Insure that Director works and the DVMs and Shoregear Switches can be seen
  1. Change the Server IP Address on all IP Phones and restart them
    1. On a DHCP server
      1. Reconfigure DHCP Server to reflect the new “FTP” Server’s IP Address
      2. If “Static” configuration, use MUTE 73887# to configure the new “FTP” Server’s IP Address
  1. Change the Server IP Address on all Communicator
    1. Log onto the PC and launch Communicator
    2. Select Options > Configure ShoreTel System
    3. Select Tab “Login and Passwords”
    4. Click on “ShoreTel Login”
    5. Change the “Server Name”