Grabbing Call GUIDs on ShoreTel
Every call on the ShoreTel system generates unique call identifiers called GUIDs. In order to trace back issues that may be related to issues occurring on the user’s desktop ShoreTel and LANtelligence will and can use call GUIDS.
Call GUIDs are usually found in the following format 00070000-01ec-4f7f-8f4e-00104919260c and will be unique for every call either internal or external.
In order for enhanced troubleshooting, we will sometimes require that when an issue does occur that the end user grabs the call GUID for the exact call when the trouble/issue had occurred.
There are two ways that you can find the call GUID using your Personal Communicator. Both methods involve the use of the History tab on your Communicator.
Method 1 – Adding a Call GUID column
You can right click anywhere in the History tab and select Choose Columns
Then drag the GUID column header and drop it into the existing Header of the History Tab
Therefore now you will always have a GUID column in your history for a quick reference.
Method 2 – Call Properties
From the History Tab select the call of interest and right click and select Properties
A window should pop up with the properties from the call.
Then click on the Support Info link at the bottom left hand corner of the window.
The Call GUID will then be displayed in the window after GUID: and before TAPI Call ID:
In the above example the call GUID would be 00030000-058f-4f66-76b5-0010490e6a5f
This would be the number that you would report to LANtelligence/ShoreTel.
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