Backup all HQ and DVS Servers first:
On the HQ Server
Change the address of the ShoreWare Server from inside Director
The IP Address of the SoftSwitch
- Administration > Application Server > Select server listed > Host IP Address
- Shutdown all ShoreTel services
- Change the IP Address on the server
- Reboot the server
On any DVM Server (this includes ECC)
- Uninstall Shoreware Remote
Install Shoreware Remote
- Use correct (new) IP Address of the HQ Server
Change the IP Address on the Shoregear Switches to look at the new server’s IP Address
- Use either Telnet or the console port
- Insure that Director works and the DVMs and Shoregear Switches can be seen
Change the Server IP Address on all IP Phones and restart them
On a DHCP server
- Reconfigure DHCP Server to reflect the new “FTP” Server’s IP Address
- If “Static” configuration, use MUTE 73887# to configure the new “FTP” Server’s IP Address
Change the Server IP Address on all Communicator
- Log onto the PC and launch Communicator
- Select Options > Configure ShoreTel System
- Select Tab “Login and Passwords”
- Click on “ShoreTel Login”
- Change the “Server Name”
Find more ShoreTel and Mitel technical tips HERE