Changing ShoreTel Switch Configuration Via TelNET
We find that using putty is the easiest and quickest way to access a ShoreTel switch.
If you are trying to use putty.exe to connect to a V-Switch, you should be able to access the switch anywhere on your network.
If you don’t have V-switches you will have to turn on telnet on each switch to enable telnet. The command is as follows:
Ipbxctl –telneton <switch ip address> when prompted the user name: anonymous password: ShoreTel
ipbxctl -pw ShoreTel -telneton <ip address of switch>
In order to access the ipbxctl.exe command you must be in:
For 32 bit servers
<home drive>:Program FilesShoreline CommunciationsShoreware Server
For 64 bit servers
<home drive>:Program Files(x86)Shoreline CommunicationsShoreware Server
You should see an empty screen and if you hit the enter key on your computer the screen should prompt you for a login as:
The password is the same: ShoreTel (case sensitive)
Once you are successfully connected you should see the following screen:
Option 2 will display what the current switch config looks like.
Option 3 will allow you into the menu to change the switch configuration
Please note that the screen shots are of a V-switch and on a non v-switch you will not have Time Server IP address entries. It will look similar but the v-switch screen contains more address entries.
You can hit enter to go back to the main menu. From there you would select option 3 to get into the menu of the information you wish to change. Once in the menu select the number that corresponds to the parameter you wish to change
Once you have changed a setting, go back to the main menu and you should see that you are either prompted to save the changes to the startup config or the switch will display the info that is going to be updated.
Then from the main menu, go back into option 2 to verify that the new settings are present.
Once you have confirmed the new settings are there, from the main menu reboot the switch.
Once the switch has completed the reboot and you are prompted with the “login as:” prompt, check to see that the settings that were changed have remained after the reboot.
If the settings have stayed after the reboot, you are finished. If not, start the process again.