Read Mike Aoki’s latest article and get all the insights on how you can set achievable goals that will pay off in improved employee engagement and customer service.
Achievable goals that will pay off in improved employee engagement and customer service.
By Mike Aoki
Congratulations! Your contact center made it through 2020. Last year compressed five years’ worth of digital transformation, work-from-home initiatives, and massive customer contact volumes into just nine months. However, the New Year brings new hope for the future. Here are seven contact center New Year’s resolutions to help you get started in 2021.
1. I will take better care of myself.
This goes beyond typical New Year’s resolutions regarding diet and weight loss. Instead, take care of your emotional and leadership self. Think of the announcement airlines make regarding oxygen masks. In an emergency, they ask you to put your own oxygen mask on first, before helping other passengers. That is because if something incapacitates you, you will not be able to help anyone else in an emergency. Was 2020 a stressful year? Have you taken time to recharge and reload for the new year? 2021 is not about “going back to the good old days” (of 2019). It is about moving forward into an era of digital transformation, artificial intelligence (AI) and hybrid/work-from-home (WFH) teams. That takes leadership and energy.
Leaders are paid to make decisions. However, it is easy to procrastinate rather than make a major decision when you are tired. You need to take good care of yourself so you have the energy to make good decisions and lead your contact center. That means taking care of your physical body by eating right and exercising. It also means taking care of your mental and emotional self by spending time with loved ones, reading a good book and enjoying music, movies or art. Take good care of yourself so you can take good care of others.
Read the full article and get all of Mike’s resolutions.